In case you haven’t figured it out by the title, I just spent the last two days (with the help of my father in law on the first day) painting Hayden’s nursery. Up until now, the most difficult paint job I’ve done at home has been butting two colors up against each other between rooms or walls. For Hayden, we decided to do something a little more bold. Instead of simply doing an accent wall, we made the room mostly 1 color (grey) and then added a blue strip to the top foot of the wall. Not content with just two colors, we put a white stripe separating the two for added effect. The picture below doesn’t do the blue justice, it’s got such a great color, and at night with just the fan light on, the blue pops with an added dimension of color.
Calling it a pain in the ass to make the lines doesn’t begin to describe it, but I think the end result was work all of the physical pain of going up and down ladders for two days. Not to mention the touch-ups of the touch-ups to get the lines as straight as possible on a textured wall.